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Fall of Athens

What Remained

       The Peloponnesian victory in the war left behind a crippled Greek world. With the military-power of Sparta at the helm, Athens saw it wall dismantled and its democratic government replaced by a Spartan oligarch. With Greece under utter Spartan control and influence, the coming years would be filled with revolts and power-grabs, micro-wars taking place intermittently in the years. As Sparta lost control over its vast military, its military having been ravaged by the war, and conflicting interests with Corinth and Thebes, the opportunity gave rise to a new king in Macedon. With conflict unresolved for nearly fifty years, King Phillip II of Macedon would raise a new army and unite the Hellenistic world under a unifying banner. Conquering much of Greece and Persia, King Philip personified being Greek! His son and successor, Alexander the Great, would soon take the helm shortly after and see to it a newly unified Greece would nearly conquer the civilized world.

Spartan Warriors Celebrate After A Glorious Victory - Imgur
(The Fall of Athens / A Spartan Victory)

Fall of Athens